As we celebrate the risen Lord throughout the Easter season, the Church repeatedly reminds us that after Easter comes Pentecost. We see the disciples in today’s first reading praying so fully in the Lord that they become overflowing filled with the Holy Spirit.
It was the Holy Spirit who filled the first Christians with rejoicing when they faced persecution. Are you able to rejoice in the midst of troubles? It was the Holy Spirit who inspired them to pray and then deepened their prayer. Is your prayer life in need of help? It was the Holy Spirit, not an earthquake, who shook the room in which the disciples were gathered. Does your faith shake up your life? Do you sense the powerful presence of God when you gather in community?
The Holy Spirit is the key that unlocks our holiness: "No one can enter into God's kingdom without being born of water AND Spirit.... Spirit begets spirit." We can only be Christ-like when his Holy Spirit is alive and active in us. We can only stay on the path to heaven when the Holy Spirit is our guide.
We lack nothing that's needed for salvation and eternal life; the Holy Spirit was given to us FULLY during our Baptism, and this was confirmed in the Sacrament of Confirmation. To succeed in God's plan of salvation, we must unite our spirit to the activities of Christ's Spirit.
Peace be with you,
Mary Ann Natalia :)
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