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Saint Anthony Audio Visual Team
"We come that the blind may see; the deaf may hear the Word of God."

Monday, June 27, 2011

We are called and form by Him .

In Genesis 18:16-33 , which is today's first reading ..
It is shown that Abraham intercedes for the people to the Lord that He may spare them . 
And true enough Our Father , spares them .. Because of Abraham's intercession . This alone shows how powerful one's intercession and prayer is . 

After reading today's daily reading , i went on to read the daily reflection of Fr Goh and what really i think may help us all is this ..... 

"One of the most significant phenomena in the Church today is the growing consciousness of the importance of intercession for the Church and the world, and not merely intercession for one’s personal needs.  Too often, in most parishes and those active in ministry, the focus tends to be on organization, activities and strategies, but very little on prayer and intercession for our projects.  Indeed, how many church organizations make it a point to intercede for their outreach activities?  Most groups tend to be functional and reliant on themselves, rather than a total dependence on God’s grace.  This perhaps explains why those in ministry hardly grow in the depth of their relationship with the Lord, although they are very active.  And the truth is; everyone is called to be an intercessor.  It is not a task to be assigned to some “professional” intercessors. " ..

And how do we be good intercessors like Abraham ? Of course we must have a closer bonding toward Our Father . When we want to ask Favours , do we approach someone we are not close and comfortable with or do we approach someone we know well enough ? And the question comes back to how do we develop a good relationship with God Our Father ? Our one and only creator ? 

As a ministry , we must help one another right ? When we feel that we do not know how to develop a relationship with Jesus our savior , please do not feel afraid to approach anyone in this ministry for help . 
We are all summoned and we are all called . We are all trying to receive the Love of God therefore i am sure we will want to help one another .. 

Maybe before our next meet-up , we can discuss on how we can as one improve ourself with Jesus and How we can help one another ... Like we mention , it all starts from us . 

This ministry will not stay stable without the Holy Spirit my brothers and sisters =) 
It is thanks be to God that we are one family =) Amen ! 

P.S : If anyone wants to read more on Fr's reflection , the website is

In His Amazing Love , 
Reb ! 

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