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Saint Anthony Audio Visual Team
"We come that the blind may see; the deaf may hear the Word of God."

Saturday, July 16, 2011

No matter what , God acknowledge us as His awesome children . Do we accept Him as the awesome Father ?

Things are changing . The earth seems to turn faster than usual . And sometimes i feel like , i can't keep up . struggling to keep up . And as i struggle to keep up , i tend to lose my faith .
Falling into sin and temptation . And the more times i fall into sin , the darker it gets .
I have to squint my eyes to watch where i am walking . I feel like i'm falling into any big dark hole soon . But the trouble lies within me . It's not that God is not here . It's not that God is not sticking out His mighty arm to catch me . But rather it seems like , i'm the one pushing Him away . For it is said , one shall only have ONE master . If i constantly choose the path of sin , i shall be a slave to my master (sin ) . I find it pathetic and silly . Like the prodigal son . He could choose to continue to stay in His Father's house but yet he chose to be in the barns eating the food of the swine . In His Father's House , He is a SON . A rich SON . and yet , he chose to be with the swine and be a slave . Now , i feel so lost . So blinded . but , i'm not giving up yet . In fact , i don't think i'm going to give up at all .

Yesterday . How blessed am I ? To encounter the loving Lord in His Holy Banquet speaking to me ? Without sin , how can one repent and be closer to the Father ? I have fallen asleep . How fast can that be ? Being so intimate with the Father less than a month ago , and now i have fallen asleep . Just like yesterday's Gospel , I wasn't vigilant and the darnel has started to grow with the wheats. But , with God , nothing is impossible . NOTHING . (:

I have realize . now , it's to acknowledge .
To bring what is hidden to the open . And the rest ? leave it to God and the Son and the Spirit (:
For what i am stuck with now , is to bring what is hidden to the open .
Feeling scared . Feeling upset . But i have to choose . For again it is said .
"Narrow is the road to heaven but wide and broad is the gate to destruction" .
I have walked down the road to destruction , damn . It sure was easier to walk down that road .But it was never as joyful as the road i try to make down to heaven (:
That road , though narrow .. Was always joyful and beautiful (:

Peace be with all of you my loving brothers and sisters (: 
What i have shared above is what went through me today , yesterday and perhaps , the few weeks ago . I am very sure , many of you are similarly like me , trying to fight temptation . 
Trying to stay awake . But as we are struggling with our work , with our studies , with our daily commitments ... we have fallen asleep in our faith and without realizing , we have already push God so far . As the sins we carry, stop us from God . So brothers and sisters (:
Lets set aside today , the sabbath day which we should keep holy . Lets set aside perhaps 30mins to an hour . Reading the scripture and coming into prayer . Asking God to help us realize the sins we are struggling with and giving us the courage to acknowledge and bringing what is hidden to light . Light ? What light ? Bring your sins to light as in going to reconciliation (: It's the hardest . Always is . But if we pray . We ask for strength . What you ask for in prayer , shall be given to you , especially if it is a prayer said with a humble contrite heart (: And as we pray for ourself , let us not forget to pray for our other brother and sisters. Let us pray for them to have the courage , serenity and wisdom (: 

And keep this in mind . Jesus and the Loving Father said .. 
"NOTHING you ever do , will make me love you any less" . 
And that is how Big Our Father's love is for us . We don't have to work to gain this Love . We just have to open up our hearts to receive this Amazing Love (: 

If God is for us , who else can be against us ? 

In His Amazing and Awesome Love , 
Rebecca (: 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Peace be with you all !
I shall start on my topic of sense of belonging...

Sense of belonging is very simple. So long i can feel and be able to express my ownself in whatever i am doing, i will be able to feel the sense of belonging in me, I will have a no need on having a mask on my face whenever i am doing something,

I have been doing this since i have been in secondary school. However, I was able to take it out when i am doing my AV & my duty and have fun with it. From then on, I wouldn't have the slightest care of people on what they say anymore. But then, After something happened i started having the mask on again. Sometimes i really ask myself, why
do i always have to do that? Why do i always want to continue put on the mask which in the end cause me to have a lost of identity. Quickly did i realise it's really time to take out the mask. Because, it's really losing me to stop having the fun i want and also to have that sense of belonging.

Why do we want to continue putting on the mask and causing us to lost the sense of belonging in AV?

Haven we been very tired in fighting with each other or having issues with each other? 
we are already losing each another. Do we still want to lose more of us?

we are like this gear or in other word we are like each different parts which will make up the AV system. Each part is very important. Every part of them is unique and special. Simple and Complex when being created in the image of man kind when creating this gear. Same like when God created us Simple & complex in his own image. Each of us are useful in different ways and are creative in different. We were strangers and we meet with God's plan to bring us together to bulid a ministry in this church together. If each and everyone is leaving are we helping God the father to bulid his will here? His will is to have his kingdom bulid on earth. By each and everyone being so unhappy with each other, we are crashing God's own plan to bulid his will. Aren't we going against God's plan?

When will we as a Ministry really feel that we welcome each and everyone of our own to be close to each other like a family? Instead of having issue with one another. Aren't you people tired of it? If you're not, the Poor thing, but i'm really tired with all this conflict. So, I will decided that I will want to make this commitment in making peace with people whom i gossip or hurt. This is what i will do so that i can make this ministry a better place & have a better sense of beloning.


i would want to know something from you people,
So could you kindly reply on your opinion on the tagboard or write a post about it. Thankyou.

So what is sense of belonging to you?


What will you want to do for this ministry so that each & everyone of us can have the sense of belonging?

With great love from God,
Bernice Lucia Lim

Monday, June 27, 2011

We are called and form by Him .

In Genesis 18:16-33 , which is today's first reading ..
It is shown that Abraham intercedes for the people to the Lord that He may spare them . 
And true enough Our Father , spares them .. Because of Abraham's intercession . This alone shows how powerful one's intercession and prayer is . 

After reading today's daily reading , i went on to read the daily reflection of Fr Goh and what really i think may help us all is this ..... 

"One of the most significant phenomena in the Church today is the growing consciousness of the importance of intercession for the Church and the world, and not merely intercession for one’s personal needs.  Too often, in most parishes and those active in ministry, the focus tends to be on organization, activities and strategies, but very little on prayer and intercession for our projects.  Indeed, how many church organizations make it a point to intercede for their outreach activities?  Most groups tend to be functional and reliant on themselves, rather than a total dependence on God’s grace.  This perhaps explains why those in ministry hardly grow in the depth of their relationship with the Lord, although they are very active.  And the truth is; everyone is called to be an intercessor.  It is not a task to be assigned to some “professional” intercessors. " ..

And how do we be good intercessors like Abraham ? Of course we must have a closer bonding toward Our Father . When we want to ask Favours , do we approach someone we are not close and comfortable with or do we approach someone we know well enough ? And the question comes back to how do we develop a good relationship with God Our Father ? Our one and only creator ? 

As a ministry , we must help one another right ? When we feel that we do not know how to develop a relationship with Jesus our savior , please do not feel afraid to approach anyone in this ministry for help . 
We are all summoned and we are all called . We are all trying to receive the Love of God therefore i am sure we will want to help one another .. 

Maybe before our next meet-up , we can discuss on how we can as one improve ourself with Jesus and How we can help one another ... Like we mention , it all starts from us . 

This ministry will not stay stable without the Holy Spirit my brothers and sisters =) 
It is thanks be to God that we are one family =) Amen ! 

P.S : If anyone wants to read more on Fr's reflection , the website is

In His Amazing Love , 
Reb ! 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

One bread, one body

"I Myself am the living Bread come down from heaven. If anyone eats this bread he shall live forever; the bread I will give is My flesh, for the life of the world." –John 6:51

When Jesus originally revealed to us His eucharistic presence, the response was: "How can He give us His flesh to eat?" (Jn 6:52) Today, we also respond: "This sort of talk is hard to endure! How can anyone take it seriously?" (Jn 6:60)
The Lord loves those who don't believe in His eucharistic love because of ignorance, confusion, or sin. To help these people believe in Him and receive Him in the Eucharist, He is raising up faith-filled people to be witnesses of His eucharistic presence. Do you love Jesus in the Eucharist so much that people can hardly help but notice? Is your life centered on the eucharistic Jesus? Is it the desire of your heart to go to Mass and Holy Communion every day of your life? Are the Scripture readings for daily Mass the very light of your life? Does your love for the eucharistic Jesus overflow in your daily conversations? Do you make visits to the Blessed Sacrament?
Receive God's grace to believe in and proclaim His eucharistic love. Share in the body and blood of Jesus (1 Cor 10:16). Eat His flesh and drink His blood (Jn 6:54). Love Him and be in communion with Him forever. Be His eucharistic witness.

Where do you belong, my brothers and sisters in Christ?

Do you belong to Jesus? Are you being with him? 
Do you belong the idol? Does they get you to get close with Jesus? Will your relationship get closer with him?

Are you a part time servant? Or are you a full time God?

Do you say, speak Lord, your servant is listening?
Listen Lord, your servant is speaking?

Peace be with you,
Mary Ann Natalia :)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."

"Embracing hardships and sacrifices would be part of the price of love and the price of our dream. If we are convinced that our dream is worth the price, then nothing would be too difficult for us to 

Just something to share =D
God Loved us so much that He send His most begotten Son . 
Imagine you , sacrificing something or someone you love deeply , does that hurt a lot ? 
What more .. God sacrificed His beloved Son . Jesus died on the cross for US . for YOU . for me !

We are indeed one family of God . A ministry . A team . 
But all of us come from different walks of life . 
But ! despite our differences and pain , we come together to serve our Loving Lord Jesus , Our Savior . 
Whatever phrase of Life WE are at now , whatever phrase of Life YOU are at now . 
Rejoice , for the Lord IS WITH YOU . I promise because Jesus promise and the Lord WILL keep HIS promise .  When you think that the pain in unbearable and the whole world has come falling down on you . 
Hey ! OUR , YOUR , MINE living and loving Father is by us , by you and by me walking with us =D 

Do a parent not hurt to see a child in pain ? 
Our Father's pain is 1 billion more than that parent's pain . 
Trust and Have Faith . 
Suppress the pain no more , bring it onto the Lord . 
His Love is too great and awesome =D 

In His Love , 
Rebecca =D 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Prayer session for April meeting.

Opening Hymn: I offer my life 

All that I am, 
all that I have
I lay them down before you, oh Lord
All my regrets,
all my acclaims
The joy and the pain,
I'm making them yours

Lord, I offer my life to you
Everything I've been through
Use it for your glory
Lord I offer my days to you
Lifting my praise to you
As a pleasing sacrifice
Lord I offer you my life

Things in the past,

 things yet unseen
Wishes and dreams that are
yet to come true
All of my heart,
all of my praise
My heart and my hands are
lifted to you

Lord, I offer my life to you
Everything I've been through
Use it for your glory
Lord I offer my days to you
Lifting my praise to you
As a pleasing sacrifice
Lord I offer you my life

Opening Prayer
Heavenly Father, you're wonderful and loving, showering love to us all day long. Father, all that we are, all that we’ve. We would offer up to you. Thank you for bringing your children here today that we may experience your love and spread them to others through this meeting. Thank you for being with us always despite the difficulties that we face. I praise you lord that you're the only foundation that can hold us up. I adore you for you never fail to help us each day and moment with trust and gratitude for your providential care for us. Amen

Reflections before scripture
1.Clear away all other thoughts in your mind for the week
2. The difficulties you've faced, the troubles you had, the things that anger you the most, the sorrow that hurts you, the thoughts of giving up someone or something. 
3. God is present everywhere, and he’s in the centre of your life right now. He’s saying: “ My child, Be yourself! Don't allow other people to run you. Take my hand. Let me walk you out of darkness. I will be your hope and I will always be with you.You’re always beautiful in my eyes. And I love you.” 

Scripture Reading
Matthew 14:22-33
"O you of little faith, why did you doubt?"

Scripture reflections
1. What’s your relationship with God, our Father?

2. Have you ever doubt on God and the people around you?
3. Why do you want to doubt on them?
4. How will you feel if the people you love do not trust you?
5. How have you experience a spiritual renewal this lent?
6. What have you learnt from this scripture passage about how you can trust God and rely on the Lord more?

Closing Prayer
Lord Jesus, your word is life and joy for us. Fill us with your holy spirit that we may have the strength and courage to embrace your will in all things. Let us able to trust in you, and our brothers and sisters in Christ, and to change and transform in the image of the Father that we may walk in the joy and freedom of the gospel especially in our ministry growing together in your love. Amen.

Closing Hymn: Fresh as the morning

God of the Bible,
God in the Gospel,
hope seen in Jesus,
hope yet to come,
You are our centre,
daylight or darkness, freedom or prison,
you are our home

Fresh as the morning,
Sure as the sunrise,
God always faithful,
You do not change
Fresh as the morning,
Sure as the sunrise,
God always faithful
You do not change

God in our struggles,
God in our hunger,
Suffering with us,
Taking our part,
Still you empower us,
Mothering spirit
Feeding, sustaining,
From your own heart

Fresh as the morning,
Sure as the sunrise,
God always faithful,
You do not change
Fresh as the morning,
Sure as the sunrise,
God always faithful
You do not change

Copyright ©  2011 Mary Ann Natalia