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Saint Anthony Audio Visual Team
"We come that the blind may see; the deaf may hear the Word of God."

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Shalom Brothers and Sisters . 

"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

Our Father have not forgotten us . He has not abandon us but yet he call upon us , reaches out to us . But how many of us actually realizes the Almighty Hand ? How many of us ignores it ? 
For me , there are many times where i think nothing can save me and what for do i turn to God ?
But then again , the words of Jesus never fails . "Courage girl , your faith will save you " .
 Did not Jesus saved the girl who was lying on the bed and people thought she was dead ?

 As humans , we are always afraid of hurts . 
Sometimes not only of new hurts but rather hurts that we have closed up .
 Of course there's a saying "prevention is better than cure" , and many of us tend to prevent ourselves from this hurts . But imagine , what would life be without problems , hurts and obstacles ? 
Even Jesus was put through pain . Remember wasn't Jesus too put through a test by the devil when he was fasting for 40 days and 40 nights ? But what did He do ? He turned to God . 
It is through this hurts that we can grow stronger . Especially when we turn to God , we will see our faith stronger . 

I would like to share a incident with you , my family .
 A incident where i felt Joy and it has impacted me .
Some of you may know of this , but some maybe not yet . But worry not , for i will share =) 
As you know i was suspended and this suspension has been a pretty great blow to me . There were times where i felt like just putting everything down , and forgetting about it all . But yet , every night i still pray that somehow things will be more clearer . I was pretty frustrated with the mind games that many were playing with me because i was like blinded . I couldn't see anything at all . But during one of my prayers , and i was reading the bible . This verses was given to me . It striked me . And thereby i would like to share with all of you . "Enter through the Narrow Gates : for the gate that is wide and the road broad leads to destruction and those who enter through it are many . How narrow and constricted the road that leads to life and those who finds it are few . " Matthew 7 : 13-14 .  This helped me to persevere as i continue to search for the meaning behind all that is happening . 
And then during the monthly youth Eucharist that i attended on last Saturday . Father Terence said to us "Out of the 2 hours that you spend with God , ask yourself is it true that the 2 hours you are here is fully focused on God ?" . This was already perhaps God's question to me . But yet i didn't realized it . (See ? A form of God's holy arm reaching out to me yet i as a human ignored it . ) . And finally on Sunday i had a volcanic eruption on one of my fellow brother which also is one of our SAAV member . But Yet again through him , God's same message in a more straight forward form was right in my face . "When the time you muted your mike , where were you ? On God Our father ? On serving God ? or ? " . It took me a while before i could see everything so clearly . It was then and there i realized , God has suspended me because i have been serving aimlessly . And  instead of 1 months suspension , it was a 3 months suspension because there was no point if i return after the 1 month if i did not realize my faults . And remember my fellow brothers and sisters , Are we fully focused on serving God and fulfilling our mission which is to help the blind see and the deaf hear the word of God or are we just lying to ourself ? Well , I ? I was lying to myself =(  . After serving the weekly duties for about 2 to 3 years , the real mission given to me somehow just disappeared and i started to serve perhaps the wrong master . Now , I'm still continuing my search if i have any other faults as i continue my suspension . But just one thing for sure , this journey will be a fruitful one even if there are more tears to come =)

As what i could conclude from my suffering . I suffered with the pain and tears and frustration for 3 months . But through it all , God knows what was right for me . He did not take away the pain , but through his words of wisdom , He gave me His strength to persevere and true enough in time to come , my blindness was taken away .Like what Mother Theresa said "I know God won't give me anything that i cannot handle . " Our creator knows what is best for us all , He knows what we can handle .  So fret not , for Have he ever failed you yet ? Maybe instead of asking God to take away our problems , we should ask God to guide us so that we can accept what comes our way and grow from it ? Perhaps instead of asking God WHYY do we have to suffer , we should ask WHAT can this pain help us to acheive , both spiritually and physically ? 

Here's another Word of God for our hungry soul that yearns for him . Remember , 

"Your Heavenly Father knows what you need but seek first the kingdom of the Lord and His righteousness , and all other things will then be given to you " Matthew 6 : 32-33 


A little song that we as grown up have forgotten ? A song a child with a child-like faith always sings ? =)

Love and Peace , 
Rebecca Nicole Lew <3

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