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Saint Anthony Audio Visual Team
"We come that the blind may see; the deaf may hear the Word of God."

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

To remain joyful, keep your eye on Jesus

" Everything that needs to be said about how to get through life on earth with the most possible joy, the fullest peace, and the strongest faith, and about how to reach the glorious joy of heaven"
Still remember the time when you dun feel secure? Dun feel safe?
We went looking for Jesus Christ in all the wrong places. When life doesn't go the way we wanted, when problems seems to be dragging us closer and closer to unsecure and unloved, when God doesn't answer our prayer? Do you also realise that your relationship with our Father are moving apart in search of escape and peace? Then we will turn to anger, unloving methods of problem solving to escape from the heartache we had?
But God our Father tells us to turn to him, he'll keep us safe from all harms, he'll give us peace. Just quiet down, can you hear that Our Father is asking you to be back to him, he's waiting for us with his open arms. We are always safe in all the hardships we faced, he cares and love us, strengthening us and making everything possible for us.
Time is the best key for all solutions. Be patient and we can eventually see light from darkness. And that's what I always do when I face troubles. Because I am unsure of what God has plan for me, and when I am panicking, I saw nothing in my view, I am blinded by what I see. But afterwards, God sent someone down to solve things for me, that I can see light. And many times, I did it.
During the process of waiting, it might be unhappy, but we dun have to feel happy to be joyful. Joy is an interior relationship that you share with our Father. Keep your eyes on Jesus, on the signs that he cares. And you'll live in his joys.
Many a times, I ask myself, how I can see Jesus, and many times, when I quiet myself, I hear him talking to me, "My Child, I love you, I know you're tired. But you gotta move on. Because no one can stop journeying, they need to move on in order to find light. Be patient my dear, you'll make all things right. Trust me" And there's this time when I am really in despair, thinking it's the end of the world when this guy left me with all the hurts and pains, God came, in human's form, in someone that I wasn't really close to. He talk to me, counsel me, he give me the patience I need, and I slowly feel so much better.
Many times, we always fail to see what has plan for us.
And this world, there's miracles, there's love. and time is definietly the key that we all need.
Therefore, be patience and you'll rejoice in our Father. Amen.
Here's a little sharing regarding my experience with God our Father.
Peace be with you
Mary Ann Natalia :D

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